
The strawberry season officially opened

April came with good news for strawberry lovers. We started harvesting fragrant and delicious fruits, grown in the greenhouses of Berries Group members.

Global Berry Congress 2019

“Berries Group” representatives participated in “GLOBAL BERRY CONGRESS” 25-26-27 March 2019. The event took place in the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

The webpage was developed with the assistance of the "EU4Moldova: Focal Regions" programme, funded by the EU and implemented by UNDP and UNICEF. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the view of the EU, UNDP and UNICEF. UNDP does not endorse any entity, brand, product or service.

Digital Agro-Cluster

R.Moldova, MD-3600, str. Arcașii lui Ștefan 12, ap. 2, mun. Ungheni

+373 69 748 665

Berries Group

R.Moldova, MD-4437, s. Nișcani, r. Călărași

+373 68 995 533

© Berries Group 2023
